21 November 2022 – Invitation to a webinar on Dispute Process
To assist taxpayers and traders to fulfil their tax obligations and remain compliant, SARS will host a virtual webinar for taxpayers, traders and SMMEs where we will discuss the dispute process in relation to SARS assessments.
As a taxpayer, you have the right to lodge a dispute when you are not in agreement with an assessment. The aim of this webinar is to educate taxpayers about their rights and obligations relating to the dispute process.
In line with our strategic intent of building and sustaining a culture of voluntary compliance, SARS believes that when taxpayers have clarity and certainty about their tax obligations, they will be in a better position to fulfil their legal obligations.
The following topics will be covered:
- Definition of the dispute process and the types of disputes that exist.
- Time frames for different disputes to be lodged
- What channels are available for the various dispute processes
- The timelines in which disputes and appeals are finalised.
- What is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)?
- Common errors that lead to rejection of disputes and delay the dispute process.
As a valued taxpayer, you are invited to join us at the webinar. You may also extend this invitation to other interested parties
Webinar details:
Theme: Dispute Process
Date: Thursday, 24 November 2022
Time: 17:00 – 19:00
Platforms: Zoom and YouTube
Register in advance for this webinar on the following link:
Webinar ID: 929 4015 7278
Passcode: 676954
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information on how to log in to the webinar.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/uBVDU1qbR9w
To view the presentation click here.
If you have questions about Dispute Process, please email [email protected]