FAQ: Can a Trust submit an objection through eFiling?

An automated process for Trust taxpayers was introduced on eFiling during April 2024 to electronically submit documentation to lodge a dispute via a fully guided process. This applies to the following transactions:

  • Submission of Request for Reasons,
  • Request for Remission (RFR),
  • Notice of Objection, and Notice of Appeal.

Note: A request for suspension of payment currently remains a manual process using the steps provided below.

Prior to this enhancement, the Trust dispute process was a fully manual process, using the ADR1 and ADR2 forms (Alternative Dispute Resolution forms).

Process for Suspension of Payment

The suspension of payment currently remains a manual process and requires one of the following:

  • Submission of uploading a formal request letter (requesting the suspension of payment) when lodging a dispute on eFiling, together with other supporting documentation
  • Submission of a formal request letter at SARS a branch

Important note: Trusts that submitted any of the processes mentioned above before 20 April 2024 should still conclude their dispute through the manual process.

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