FAQ: Can I see my refund amount and payment date or the payment due date of the amount owed by me to SARS on eFiling?

Yes, you can see both on eFiling.

The refund amount (if any) and refund payment date can be seen on the ‘Income Tax Statement of Account’  (ITSA) and the payment date for the amount owed by you to SARS, can be seen on the ‘Notice of Assessment’ (ITA34).

1. Refund amount and due date:

The refund date displayed next to ‘Electronic refund’ and the amount  (if a refund) in the ‘Transaction value’ column on the ITSA is the date the amount will be paid into your bank account:

2. Payment date for the amount owed by you:

The payment due date of the amount owed by you is displayed on the ‘Notice of Assessment’ (ITA34) .The payment due date is displayed under ‘Details’ on the ITA34. The amount owed by you to SARS is also displayed on the screen below:

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