FAQ: What do I do if I no longer qualify for Mineral and Petroleum Resource Royalties – how do I request a deregistration?

Deregistration of MPRR cases can only be done at the Large Business Unit. Should you wish to deregister for MPRR, the deregistration must be initiated via the RAV01 form on eFiling – Select ‘Deactivate’ under ‘Status Management’ in the applicable MPRR Tax Product container. Kindly refer to the Guide on how to complete the Registration Amendments and Verification Form.

It should be noted that the Go Green principle will apply and where the taxpayer is an eFiler, the notice will be issued to the eFiler’s correspondence page. If the taxpayer is not an eFiler, but provided an email address the system will issue the letter to the applicable email address. If SARS has no eMail address on record, SARS will issue the letter to the postal address on record.

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