FAQ: What else should I consider if I struggle to activate my MPRR account on eFiling?

Check whether you are still on the old eFiling version. You will know this if your eFiling theme is in amber (old version). See view example of the old version below:

The new eFiling version has a blue theme. To change to the latest web interface you need to use the log-in name registered with your personal/ company income tax number and select the buttons on your eFiling profile in the following order:

  1. User
  2. SARS Registered Details
  3. Maintain SARS Registered Details
  4. Agree
  5. Continue
  6. Proceed
  7. My eFiling security details
  8. Confirm if email address and cell number is correct
  9. File (on top)
  10. Login after 24 hrs, the system will switch to the new eFiling website.

You will then be able to link the entity under “My profile > Portfolio Management”.

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