FAQ: What is the process of submitting 3rd Party Data via Secure web (HTTPS) or Connect Direct (C: D)?

Follow these easy five steps:

Step 1: Enrolment and activation

– The Business Administrator (BA) must enrol the Organisation and Technical Administrator (TA);
– The TA must enrol the Technical User (TU) and request a certificate; and
– The TU must submit a file and review the response file.
– The TU is able to view the submission dashboard on eFiling

Step 2:  Prepare a file as per the BRS

Step 3:  Submit the file via selected channel. There are two types of channel you can choose from:

1. Secure Web (HTTPS)
– The Direct Data Flow (Secure Web: https) is a free channel which can be used to submit a maximum of 50k lines or 10MB volumes of data. This channel reduces the overall administrative burden of large volume data transfer, shorten data processing cycle times and provide for faster feedback. Taxpayers who want to use the Direct Data Flow channel must have eFiling profiles to enrol for this channel and activate it on eFiling.

2. Connect Direct (C:D)
– The Direct Data Flow Channel will use the Connect:Direct technology which must be purchased.
– Direct Data Flow channel reduces the overall administrative burden of large volume data transfer, shorten data processing cycle times and provide for faster feedback. Taxpayers who want to use the Direct Data Flow channel must have eFiling profiles to enrol for this channel and activate it on eFiling.

Step 4: Review response to confirm file status

Step 5: Submit a pre-populated declaration on eFiling

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