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Correspondence with SARS on Estate cases

Correspondence with SARS on Estate cases

29 June 2023 – A representative taxpayer or authorised agent that engages with SARS on an estate should adhere to the following guidelines when corresponding with SARS to prevent any unnecessary delays in finalising a query:

  • Important for email queries: Always include the deceased’s ID number, tax reference number or the estate number when corresponding with SARS.
  • Use of case number: When an estate is reported to SARS (via the online channels or email) a case number is provided. This case number will also be reflected on the engagement letter that is issued to the representative taxpayer once the estate is coded at SARS. Any future correspondence with SARS (via the online channel or email) should include the initial case number to ensure all queries on a case are linked.
  • Uploading of supporting documents: When uploading documents, the initial case number must be used and each document must be named correctly, for example, Death certificate, ID of the deceased, ID of the executor, etc.

For more information, visit our Estates webpage or Estate Duty webpage.

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