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Legal Counsel – Secondary Legislation – Rule Amendments 2023

Legal Counsel – Secondary Legislation – Rule Amendments 2023

23 June 2023 – Customs and Excise Act, 1964: The rule amendment notice R.3565, as published in Government Gazette 48838 of 23 June 2023, relates to the –

  • amendment to rules under sections 49 and 120 – Economic Partnership Agreement between the SADC EPA states, of the one part, and the European Union and its member states, of the other part (DAR247)
    • Appendix A (List of countries with which cumulation may be applied)
    • Appendix B (Exclusion list of materials where cumulation would not apply – SADC)
    • Appendix C (Exclusion list of materials where cumulation would not apply – MFN)
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