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Media release – Findings and recommendations of the Time Release Study conducted at the Oshoek port of entry between South Africa and eSwatini

Media release – Findings and recommendations of the Time Release Study conducted at the Oshoek port of entry between South Africa and eSwatini

20 May 2024 – The Customs Division of the South African Revenue Service (SARS) and the Eswatini Revenue Service (ERS) today made public the findings of a Time Release Study (TRS) on the flow of trade between Eswatini and South Africa at the Oshoek / Ngwenya border post that the two countries share.

The TRS is a significant step to facilitate the seamless flow of trade through Southern African Customs Union (SACU) borders.

The study was conducted from 14 November to 17 November 2023, gathering vital data, both physical and system-related data at the shared border post. The study was a collaborative effort by SARS, the Eswatini Revenue Service (ERS), and the World Customs Organisation (WCO) in partnership with UK Aid, the South African Border Management Authority (BMA), the South African Police Service (SAPS), and representatives from our cross-border trading community.

See the full media release here.

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