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New Air Passenger Tax System

New Air Passenger Tax System

4 September 2023 – From 15 September 2023 SARS will be implementing a new system for APT wherein the APT201 returns will now be submitted via eFiling including the payment thereof.

With effect from 15 September 2023 taxpayers will be issued with new APT tax numbers which must be used to register the APT client on eFiling and activate the tax type. It must be noted however that submission of accounts via eFiling will initially only be open to those clients that make use the following banks:

  • Standard Bank
  • First National Bank
  • Nedbank
  • ABSA
  • Citi Bank

The rest of the banks will be migrated in due course and SARS will notify clients accordingly.

It is important to note that even if the APT client does not make use of the above banks they are still required to make use of eFiling to make payment. These clients will in the meantime continue to submit their APT201 returns via the email channel to the Customs and Excise APT Team at OR Tambo International Airport as per the below contact details, however it is important note that payment of these accounts must be made through eFiling,

The APT rates are:

  • Standard rate (International flights): R190
  • Lower rate (BLNS countries): R100

General queries regarding APT can be directed to:

For more information see the Air Passenger Tax webpage.

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