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System enhancements for the administration and interpretation of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) and Mozambique (SACUM) and the United Kingdom (UK) (SACUM-UK) Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)

System enhancements for the administration and interpretation of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) and Mozambique (SACUM) and the United Kingdom (UK) (SACUM-UK) Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)

20 July 2023 – Until the 31 December 2020, goods exported from the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) member states and from Mozambique to the United Kingdom (UK) were covered by the Southern African Development Community-European Union Economic Partnership Agreement (the SADC-EU EPA).

As from the 01 January 2021 such goods were traded under the SACUM-UK EPA. The SACUM-UK EPA was negotiated and concluded while the UK was a member of the European Union (EU).

For more information, see the letter to Trade

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