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Tax Directives

Tax Directives

10 October 2022 – Update on the Tax Directives enhancements implemented in line with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA).

SARS implemented enhancements to the Tax Directives process on 16 September 2022 by validating the name of the fund at Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) as well as the number with the FSCA database.

Where Funds and Fund Administrators experience spelling errors between information on the FSCA website that is not aligned with your FSCA registration letter, a request to correct the spelling error must be sent to the following contact person: Jodine Scholtz at [email protected] at the FSCA. Please note that this email address is only for the correction of spelling errors of names.

All other issues relating to the FSCA, must be directly addressed with the FSCA via the existing channels available to the Funds and Fund Administrators.

You are advised to continue using the name exactly as it is listed on the FSCA website until the changes on the name have been effected to avoid a rejection of the directive application.

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