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Updated Tax Directives specification for 15 September 2023

Updated Tax Directives specification for 15 September 2023

12 September 2023 – The Tax Directives specification was updated from version 6.504 to 6.505. The updated IBIR-006 Tax Directives Interface Specification Version 6.505 specifies the additional validation change to be implemented on 15 September 2023.

The additional validation change is in respect of asylum seekers and refugees relating to the permit number. You are encouraged to implement the validation change as soon as possible.

Please feel free to join us for a MS Teams Meeting on 15 September 2023 at 10:00 to discuss the validation, for the meeting details see the I want a Tax Directive webpage.

Please follow these steps to submit test files if you need to test this validation change:

Step 1: Before testing can commence, you will need to email 10 taxpayer reference numbers to [email protected]  to ensure the numbers are active.  In the email subject line, use “Tax reference numbers for Trade Testing”. A maximum of 10 taxpayer reference numbers will be allowed.

Step 2: You will be notified via the same email address to confirm when testing may commence.

For trade testing queries please email [email protected].

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