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14 May 2015 – Clarity pertaining to allegations about SARS’ correspondence with minister Pravin Gordhan

14 May 2015 – Clarity pertaining to allegations about SARS’ correspondence with minister Pravin Gordhan

Pretoria, 14 May 2015 – SARS media release

1. The South African Revenue Service (“SARS”) has observed a distortion of facts imbedded in the allegations that SARS has furnished the honourable Pravin Gordhan (“Mr Gordhan”) with a letter wherein SARS bullied and threatened him (Gordhan) with sequestration of his estate, if he fails to cooperate with the now-defunct SARS’ disciplinary proceedings against Mr. Ivan Pillay and Mr. Peter Richer.

2. SARS vehemently denies the said allegations and wishes to place on record that neither SARS nor Commissioner Moyane issued such correspondence to Mr Gordhan.

3.  The facts pertaining to correspondences between SARS and Mr. Gordhan are as follows:

3.1 On 6 March 2015, SARS requested Mr. Gordhan to participate and assist in the disciplinary hearing by sharing his knowledge with regard to legality or not of the establishment and administration of the rogue unit and circumstances surrounding Mr. Pillay’s early retirement package;

3.2 On 12 March 2015, Mr Gordhan responded by requesting SARS to furnish him with details of the person who instituted the disciplinary investigation into the rogue unit as well as the role of the SARS advisory board, chaired by Judge Frank Kroon;

3.3 On 18 March 2015, SARS responded to all clarity seeking questions posed by Mr Gordhan as contained in his letter dated 12 March 2015;

3.4 As a result of Mr Gordhan’s failure to respond to SARS’ letter dated 18 March 2015, SARS made a follow up on 23 April 2015 seeking a response to the letter dated 18 March 2015. Notwithstanding SARS’ follow up, Mr Gordhan failed to respond;

3.5 It was only on the 7 May 2015, after well published resignations of both Mr Pillay and Richer, which led to the ceasing of the disciplinary processes between Mr Pillay, Mr Richer and SARS, did Mr Gordhan respond by contending that he will partake in the upcoming disciplinary hearing.

3.6 On 08 May 2015, SARS advised Mr Gordhan that the matter has been settled between the parties and as a result, the disciplinary proceedings have been halted.

4. SARS Commissioner, Mr Tom Moyane wishes to reiterate that SARS remains committed to its core mandate of collecting all revenue due to fiscus, thereby ensuring that government creates a better South Africa for all.

With this, and the previous statement in relation to the resignations of Messrs Pillay and Richer, it is in the interest of all the parties concerned to now move forward. As a result, SARS does not intend commenting further on this issue.

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