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Media statement by SARS commissioner Edward Kieswetter

Media statement by SARS commissioner Edward Kieswetter

14 May 2020 – Pretoria – The South African Revenue Service (SARS) is proud to announce an initiative by its employees to collect money in support of those in need due to the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic.  451 employees have asked that money be deducted from their monthly salary as a donation to the Solidarity Fund.

Commissioner Edward Kieswetter thanked the employees for stepping up to help ease the plight of millions of our fellow citizens. “Nobody in this country can be unaware and unmoved by the severe hardships being suffered by so many of our people, and which has been exacerbated by this pandemic.

Those of us who have employment are indeed extremely privileged. In a country where around 10 million of our fellow South Africans are unemployed, and many more may lose employment, I do not, for a moment take my own privilege for granted. I am therefore pleased that of my colleagues at SARS have joined me in contributing from our own salaries as an expression of solidarity and compassion to millions less privileged than us.

It is indeed at a time of such intense hardship and how we treat those most vulnerable in society, that the true character of us as a nation is revealed.”

As President Ramaphosa said when launching the Solidarity Fund, “every little contribution helps, no matter how small, and it is only through standing together that we will beat the pandemic and come through stronger on the other side.

“I applaud these employees for the inspirational example they have set us all. This heart-warming gesture represents the best in the spirit of all South Africans who in times of great peril and danger, such as the present, refuse to look the other way,” he said.

This initiative has raised R 711 000 in the first month which SARS will hand over to the Solidarity Fund on behalf of its employees. To date, we received a total R1.8m pledges and we will be running this initiative monthly and is encouraging more of its employees to participate.

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