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SARS concerned about tax evasion allegations at commissions of inquiry

SARS concerned about tax evasion allegations at commissions of inquiry

Pretoria, Thursday 24 January 2019 – The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has noted media reports on allegations of tax evasion at the various commissions of inquiries that are underway.

SARS is concerned that names of some former employees have been mentioned in alleged wrongdoing and would like to assure the South African taxpayers and public that these will be investigated without fear or favour and guilty persons will be brought to book.

SARS wishes to further assure the taxpayers and public that in instances where tax rules and laws have been violated or undermined, strict measures will be applied to uphold the rule of law.

Also, SARS wishes to reiterate that the newly reconstituted Illicit Economy Unit is already hard at work and will be monitoring the developments closely and are taking the necessary steps where appropriate to ensure compliance with tax laws.

SARS wishes to draw attention to the Voluntary Disclosure Programme that is still fully operational and non-compliant taxpayers and members of the public are encouraged to make use of this facility where appropriate.


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