Home Office Expenses Questionnaire

Did you receive remuneration for duties performed mainly (more than 50 %) in part of your private premises occupied for purposes of that remuneration?

If you encounter problems with the questionnaire above, please refer below:

If your answer is YES to all the questions below, you are eligible to claim Home Office Expenses.

Did you receive remuneration for duties performed mainly (more than 50 %) in part of your private premises occupied for purposes of that remuneration?
Do you have a dedicated room in your premises?
Is this room specifically equipped for the purpose of that remuneration?
Is this room regularly used for purposes of performing the duties in relation to that remuneration?
Is this room exclusively used for purposes of performing the duties in relation to that remuneration?
Did you incur home office expenditure relating to your domestic premises?
(Please refer to the guideline on the web-page with regard to what constitute home office expenditure)

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