Archive – Donations to the COVID-19 Solidarity Fund

Steps to follow for a full resubmission on e@syFile

1) Please ensure that you retrieve an accepted or rejected status for your last submission for 2021/02. Visit the EMP501 Status Dashboard under Utilities and click on the Status button next to the relevant submission:

2) Once you have received a SARS response for your previous submission, select the Full Resubmission option on the Utilities menu:

3) Select the employer from the drop-down list and click on Request:

4) Click on Yes to continue to the Declaration Page:

5) Select 2021/02 from the Tax Year drop-down list and click on Revise:

NB: Click on Financial Particulars on the EMP501 Declaration and PLEASE VERIFY all totals and subtotals, including Certificate values, liabilities and payments on the EMP501. Click on File and select File & Close when you are ready to proceed to resubmission.

7) Select Submit to SARS from the left hand menu, select the prepared EMP501 Declaration and click on Submit to proceed. Follow the pop-up messages asking you to verify eFiling credentials to finalise submission:

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