SARS generates and sends a response file to the Technical user via the same channel the file was received.
It is important that the response file is reviewed to ensure that all records in the file were successfully uploaded to SARS. The relevant Business requirements specification provides details on how the response file is structured and describes the different types of response codes that can be issued.
The following are the ultimate required File response codes which will be appended to the response file name and header:
- R003 (Successfully uploaded: all records accepted and processed)
- R004 (Accepted with warnings: This can be any combination of accepted fields and fields accepted with a warning)
- R006 (Partial upload: This can be any combination of accepted fields, rejected fields, fields accepted with a warning or duplicate records). User should make sure that the all the required records were uploaded.
If a response file indicates that the submission was accepted, then a declaration will be required. For more info, see the following guides: FATCA , IT3 and Dividends Tax.