How to become part of the AEO Programme

Who can join?

Traders eligible to apply for AEO status must be registered or licensed for a Customs activity which include importers, exporters, certified customs brokers, bonded area operators, bonded transportation companies, forwarders and shipping companies amongst others. The supply chain considered for the AEO programme is illustrated as follows:

How to join

The applicant must conduct a self-assessment to verify if the below criteria are met. In the event that non-compliance to any criterion is detected by the applicant or SARS official, a Compliance Improvement Plan must be implemented to ensure remedial actions are implemented prior applying for AEO status.


  • Appropriate record of compliance with customs and excise procedures
  • Computer systems, Operational Procedures and Processes
  • Sufficient Knowledge (For more on Sufficient Knowledge please see Related Documents below)
  • Financial Resources
  • Compliance with Tax Law
  • Compliance with WCO supply chain security standards (AEO-S) 

Click here for detailed information.

How to apply

Step 1: Login to eFiling and follow the process as described in SC-CF-42 – Customs Trader Portal – External Guide

Step 2: To submit an application for Accreditation, click on New Application under the RLA Registration menu.

Step 3: Follow the process in the above guide from page 92 – 100.

Benefits received once accredited

Click here to see the benefits of the AEO Programme


Rules amendment – Government Gazette No. 44884: No. R.648

Rules amendment – Government Gazette No. 46207: No. R. 2000


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