High Court: 2025–2023

The judgments delivered in any of the High Court Divisions on this page are arranged per year and then per date of delivery.
High Court judgments delivered in another year, can be accessed through the navigation pane above.
Date of DeliveryParties InvolvedApplicable LegislationKeywords/Summary
30 May 2024

CSARS v Drs Mkhabele and Indunah Diagnostic Radiologists Inc and Others (2024/036576)

Companies Act, 2008

Urgent application. Delay in launching an application – the claimed urgency weans away. The Business Practitioner not implementing a rejected business plan. No palpable harm where the Business Practitioner is not acting unlawfully but only paying creditors of an entity under business rescue. Thus, no urgent relief is necessary. Preliminary objections for non-compliance with sections 133(1) and 145(1)(a) of the Companies Act not upheld. The application having been prompted by miscommunication which could have been corrected to obviate it, the appropriate order as to costs is that of each party is liable for its own costs. Held: (1) The application is struck off the roll due to lack of urgency. Held: (2) Each party to pay its own costs.
15 May 2024

Fair-Trade Independent Tobacco Association NPC and Others v CSARS and Another (115176/2023; 115375/2023)

Customs and Excise Act, 1964

Whether the applicants substantively possess a prima facie right which requires interim protection against the discharge and/or implementation of the impugned decision.
10 May 2024
CSARS v Buthelezi and Others (B5917/2023)

Tax Administration Act, 2011

Procedure: Whether the respondents  objection to the preservation order by the appellant requires consideration at the outset.
26 April 2024
Baseline Civil Contractors (Pty) Ltd v CSARS (A83/2023)

Tax Administration Act, 2011

Appeal against a decision of the tax court: Whether a declarator that a ground of appeal which the appellant had noted in the statement which it filed in terms of rule 32 of the Tax Court Rules, in which it had set out its grounds of appeal against the disallowance of an objection it had lodged to an income tax assessment, was permissible.
2 April 2024Poulter v CSARS (A882/023) 

Tax Administration Act, 2011

Whether the tax court had been
misdirected in holding that Mr van der Merwe, whose authority to do so was vouched by a
power of attorney given by the taxpayer, was not entitled to appear on taxpayer’s behalf in that forum, and whether the court in any event had erred in granting what is termed ‘default judgment’ without considering ‘the evidence’ that was before the court.
26 March 2024Richards Bay Mining (Pty) Ltd v CSARS (2023/045310)

Tax Administration Act, 2011

Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act,  2008

This matter concerns the interpretation of two sections in two different statutes. The first is in respect of the scope of section 105 of the Tax Administration Act, 28 of 2011 (TAA); whether it contains an ouster of the High Court’s jurisdiction in respect of all matters related to the South African tax administration procedures and provisions. The second concerns the interpretation of the provisions of section 4(2) of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act, 28 of 2008 (the Act), and thereby a determination of the scope of that section.

26 March 2024Ramudzuli v CSARS and Others (A261/22)

Customs and Excise Act, 1964

Superior Courts Act, 2013

The Court considered –

  1. the unopposed condonation application;
  2. the late objection to the appeal record on allegations of non-compliance with the Rules;
  3. whether it was appropriate for Skosana AJ to gravitate to Rule 6(5)(g) when he had already dealt with the merits of the application; and
  4. the issue of the correctness of the order dismissing the application on its merits with costs.
1 March 2024BP Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd v CSARS (2021/49805)

Customs and Excise Act,  1964

Whether applicant’s (BP), leave to appeal against judgment of 12 January 2024 may be granted –  application for leave to appeal  dismissed with costs, including the costs of two counsel, where employed. 
29 February 2024 CSARS v J Company (14944/19)

Tax Administration Act, 2011

Tax law – redaction of documents: Whether Respondent (the taxpayer) ought to comply with its obligation to respond fully to requests directed to it in terms of section 46 of Act 28 of 2011 –whether applicant (SARS) is entitled to demand, without more, the un-redacted information from the documents already provided and which, as contended by the respondent, does not relate to it as the taxpayer but rather to its clients and suppliers – and as a consequence – does not fall within the definition of ‘relevant material’ – Secondly and in any event, if it is found to be material, then this Court has to ascertain whether there has been non-compliance of the Tax Administration Act by the applicant in determining an “objectively identifiable class of taxpayers” as required in sections 46(1) and (2)(a) of the Tax Administration Act, and as a result, whether the Request amounts to a so-called “fishing expedition”.
26 February 2024Finequest Enterprise (Pty) Limited v CSARS (008272/22)

Customs and Excise Act, 1964

Customs and excise: Application for review of a decision to seize a consignment of 10 million cigarettes in terms of the Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964 and for return of goods seized – failure to make truthful declaration to customs official – when discovered alleged that goods were not imported or deemed imported as they were in transit from Botswana to Mozambique and therefore not subject to scrutiny by SARS – subsequent cancellation of order irrelevant – decision to seize the goods unimpeachable – application dismissed with costs.
6 February 2024Pather v CSARS (52782/21)

Tax Administration Act, 2011

Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000

Reviewing and setting aside of Personal Liability – sections 164, 179 and 183 of Tax Administration Act, 2011 – section 7(2) of Promotion Administrative Justice Act, 2000
2 February 2024Bullion Star (Pty) Ltd v CSARS (18176/2022)

Tax Administration Act, 2011

TAX – Search and seizure – Warrant: Reconsideration and setting aside of warrant – Issued warrant is problematic – Warrant authorises SARS unfettered access to private residences to embark on search for all items listed in warrant – Issuing of warrant does not in law or fact comply with provisions – SARS failed to explain on what basis warrant was prepared – Warrant issued is set aside – Return of seized items ordered – SARS ordered to pay costs of application – Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011, section 60(1).
25 January 2024Dorking Africa (Pty) Ltd v CSARS (A141/2022)

Tax Administration Act, 2011

Whether or not the appellant’s Notice of Appeal complied with Tax Court Rule 10(2)(a).
18 January 2024The Petroleum Oil and Gas Corporation of South Africa (SOC) Ltd v CSARS and Another (8808/2020)

Customs and Excise Act, 1964

Customs and Excise: Whether the applicant is entitled to a refund in respect of certain transactions concluded during a specific audit period, more particularly from May 2015 up to and including March 2017 whether applicant was entitled to the setoff  (effectively a refund of the duty and levies paid) on the basis that if the fuel goods were removed or exported and applicant complied with the legal requirements for the refund.
17 January 2024International Version Trading and Projects (Pty) Ltd v SARS (6012/21)

Customs and Excise Act, 1964

Customs and Excise Act: Whether the materials, imported by the  applicant, are admitted for use in connection with the production or manufacture of goods falling into a certain category and if there
is a rebate in terms of the  applicable customs duty.
12 January 2024BP Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd v CSARS (2021/49805)

Customs and Excise Act, 1964

Customs and Excise: Whether the judge had any jurisdiction over the merits of the appeal and review at all, or whether, the judge’s role was limited to deciding whether or not the matter should be referred to trial – whether the applicant’s application to introduce new affidavits ought to succeed – whether, and to what extent, the applicant’s application should be referred for the hearing of oral evidence – how applicant’s statutory appeal under section 47(9)(e) of the Customs Act interacted with its review of the respondent’s decisions to refuse the rebates applicant claimed and to levy forfeiture penalties.
9 January 2024Unitrans Holdings Limited v CSARS (A3094/2022)

Income Tax Act, 1962

Appeal from the Tax Court – whether interest expenditure is tax deductible, as having been incurred in the course of carrying out ‘any trade’ and in the production of income – section 24J(2) of the Income Tax Act – the taxpayer trading as an investment holding company – the interest expenditure claimed not closely linked to its income earning operations as an investment holding company – the purpose of the expenditure was not to produce income but to further the interest of the subsidiaries – therefore, the expenditure was not incurred in the production of the taxpayer’s income.
Appeal dismissed with costs.
Date of DeliveryParties InvolvedApplicable LegislationKeywords/Summary
29 December 2023FITA and Others v CSARS and Another (115176/2023); Bozza and Others v CSARS and Others (115375/2023)

Customs and Excise Act, 1964

Customs and Excise: Whether the applicants’ application for interdictory relief against first respondent, preventing it from implementing Rule 19.09, may be granted. 

27 December 2023Karino Homeland Distribution (Pty) Ltd v CSARS (21279/2023)

Customs and Excise Act, 1964

Customs and Excise: Whether the applicant’s application for a partial upliftment of a lien imposed over the applicant’s  goods by the respondent in terms of section 114 of the Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964, as security for an admitted debt, may be granted.

18 December 2023Assmang Proprietary Limited v CSARS and Others (91960/2015)

Customs and Excise Act, 1964

Customs and Excise: Whether
the mining operations in relation to the diesel refunds were claimed by the applicant have been carried out in accordance with item 670.04 in Part 3 of Schedule 6 to the Act where the diesel was purchased and used in accordance
with the provisions of Note 6 as contemplated below:

  1. Whether the applicant contracted de facto with its contractors on a dry basis in terms of Note 6(a)(ii).
  2.  The question of whether or not the applicant made ‘eligible purchases’ as defined in Note (6)(a)(iii).
  3. The question of whether the fuel purchased by the user for use and used as fuel for own primary production activities in mining, as provided for in Note 6(f)(ii) and (iii).
  4. Whether there was compliance with the requirements regarding
    ‘logbooks’ as contemplated in terms of Note 6(a)(xi) for the period in respect of which such requirements were operative.
  5. Whether there was compliance in terms of Note 6(q) that relates to the keeping of books, accounts and other documents for the
    purposes of the rebate item.
30 November 2023Canyon Resources (Pty) Ltd v CSARS (68281/2016)

Customs and Excise Act, 1964

Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1994: Rebate item 670. 04 – “Diesel refund” – application for setting aside determination made by SARS which had been referred in part for the hearing of oral evidence – evidence presented by the user insufficient to justify a finding that the determination whereby refund claims were disallowed should be set aside.

29 November 2023Walter v CSARS (A2023/008433)

Tax Administration Act, 2011

Appeal: Whether the Tax Court (IT 45628) erred in holding that there is a causal link between the restraint of trade payment and Mr Jordi’s past employment or the holding of office with Rappa Holdings and its affiliated companies.

21 November 2023SMI (Pty) Ltd and Another v CSARS (CA25/2023)

Tax Administration Act, 2011

Superior Courts Act,  2013

Procedure: Confidential taxpayer information, Open Justice.

10 October 2023JT International Manufacturing South Africa (Pty) Ltd v CSARS (29690/14)

Customs and Excise Act, 1964

Customs and Excise: Interlocutory application – whether the provisions of rebate item 460.24, read with rule 19A are peremptory, particularly insofar as timeous compliance with the provisions
of the rule is concerned; and whether the Commissioner has a discretion under section 75(10)(a) of Act 61 of 64 to exempt the Applicant from compliance with the conditions prescribed
by the rule.

5 October 2023Mbali Coal (Pty) Ltd v CSARS (81950/2019)

Customs and Excise Act, 1964

Customs and Excise: Diesel refunds – whether the mining activities in respect of which applicant claimed the refund were all qualifying activities; and whether applicant provided the Commissioner with necessary and sufficient records to substantiate its calculation of the diesel refund claimed.

14 August 2023Arcelormittal South Africa Limited v CSARS (2021/26916)

Customs and Excise Act, 1964

Customs and Excise: Whether the applicant, in terms of the relevant
rebate item 670.04 read with Note 6, Schedule 6/Part 3 of the Customs Act
(“Note 6″), was entitled to claim refunds on diesel purchased by it to power
locomotives traveling on rails in its steel manufacturing plant. 

24 July 2023Trustees of the CC Share Trust and Others v CSARS (38211/21)

Tax Administration Act, 2011

Whether the applicants had been correctly assessed by SARS – whether the assessments may be set aside because they were unlawfully made for want of compliance by SARS with its own statutes – whether the Commissioner ought to withdraw the assessments.

17 July 2023NCP Alcohols (Pty) Ltd (D7515/2020)

Customs and Excise Act, 1964

Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000

Customs and Excise: Issues for determination:

  1. Whether the respondent was entitled to impose
    custom duty, VAT, interest on VAT and penalties against the applicant when it exercised the administrative powers in terms of section 18A of the Act on the two consignments that were processed from 31 October to 03 November and on 12
    December 2014.
  2. Whether the decision and inspection of the applicant’s handling of the two consignments had prescribed as it was alleged that two years had expired since they were processed; whether the respondent was barred from imposing the custom duty, tax and VAT and VAT penalty due to the lapse of the two-year period and as provided for in section 18A(2)(c) of the Customs and Excise Act, 1964.
  3. Whether the conduct of the respondent in the decision to impose duty; the rejected internal appeal and the alternate dispute resolution (ADR) were invalid and reviewable for such were allegedly in violation of certain provisions section 6 of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000.
17 July 2023Glencore Operations SA (Pty) Ltd and Others v CSARS and Another (15988/2020)

Customs and Excise Act, 1964

Customs and Excise: Issue for determination:

  1. Whether the Third Applicant (Goedenvonden JV) was the person in possession of the necessary mining authorisation granted or ceded in terms of the Mineral Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2022, as contemplated in Note 6(f)(ii)(cc) of Part 3 of Schedule No. 6 of Customs and Excise Act 91 of 1964.
  2. In the alternative: Whether the Commissioner properly exercise his discretion (to allow the refunds for Goedgevonden JV in terms of Note 5 of Part 3 of Schedule No. 6 to the Customs and Excise Act.
  3. Whether the National Appeal Committee (in issuing the letter dated 13 June 2019-annexure FA3 to the Founding Affidavit) had the jurisdiction to entertain the appeal.
  4. Whether the National Appeal Committee was authorised to deal with the appeal after a delay of four years.
  5. Whether the National Appeal Committee (in issuing the letter dated 13 June 2019-annexure FA3) was empowered to make a new determination by adding a finding in paragraph 2(i) that the JV did not comply with Note 6(f)(ii)(cc) (concerning the mining authorisation) and by raising the demand from R5 099 995.21 to R82 984 080.00.
  6. Whether the National Appeal Committee was empowered to amend the original determination in terms of section 47(9)(d) of the Customs and Excise Act (as contemplated by SARS), as part of the internal administrative appeal instituted by the Applicants under Chapter XA of the Act.
6 July 2023CSARS v M (A5036/2023)

Tax Administration Act, 2011

Administration and Procedure: Appeal from the Tax Court – whether undeclared receipts and deposits into taxpayer’s personal bank accounts and other accruals were income or the repayment of loans – a factual issue.

Definition of “gross income” in section 1 of Act 58 of 1962 – the total amount, in cash or otherwise, received by or accrued to or in favour of a taxpayer not of a capital nature – an assessment is in respect of a specific amount – the taxpayer is required to address every single receipt and accrual, as detailed in the finalisation of audit letter – rule 7 of the Rules of the Tax Court – a taxpayer, in his objection, must specify in detail ‘the specific amount of the disputed assessment objected to’ – section 102(1)(a) of Act 28 of 2011 – ‘[a] taxpayer bears the burden of proving that an amount, transaction, event or item is exempt or otherwise not taxable’ –
Taxpayer failed to discharge the onus in most of the itemised assessed amounts.
Appeal upheld and the order of the Tax Court set aside.

5 July 2023Diageo SA (Pty) Ltd v CSARS (A223/2021)

Customs and Excise Act, 1964

Customs and Excise: Whether the inclusion of vanilla essence in its Cape Velvet liqueur – one of the ingredients marginally affecting the alcohol volume – disqualified the appellant from a lower tax rate.
29 May 2023Van Der Merwe v South African Legal Practice Council and Another (19591/2022)

Legal Practice Act, 2014

Vexatious Proceedings Act, 1956

Civil Procedure: Whether applicant may apply for declaratory relief as regards representation of parties and the rendering of legal services listed in section 33(1)(a) and (b) of the Legal Practice Act 28 of 2014 by persons other than legal practitioners admitted and enrolled under the Act, and in particular whether the applicant is within his right to represent his daughter in proceedings before the Tax Court.

29 May 2023Lion Match Company (Pty) Ltd v CSARS (A 202/2020; IT 13950)

Tax Administration Act, 2011

Income Tax Act, 1962

The appeal is twofold, namely:

  1. An appeal against the refusal of the application for postponement by the appellant (The Lion Match
    Company (Pty) Ltd and referred to as “LMC”); and
  2. A counter appeal against
    the refusal by the Tax Court to grant the adjustment to the assessment sought by the respondent against the assessment made by the Commissioner for the
    South African Revenue Services (the respondent a quo and in this appeal
    referred to as “CSARS”).
24 April 2023Tomson NO and Others v CSARS and Another (33918/2021)

Income Tax Act, 1962

Whether the decision taken on 29 March 2021 by the first respondent (SARS), to decline the trust’s request in terms of section 18A(2A)(b)(i) of Act 58 of 1962 to waive the minimum distribution requirements provided by the section, should be reviewed.
24 April 2023I-Cat International Consulting (Pty) Ltd v CSARS (41667/2021)

Tax Administration Act, 2011

Whether a decision of the Respondent (a request submitted by I-Cat to SARS for a reduced assessment in terms of section 93 of Act 28 of 2011 in respect of the I-Cat’s 2015 tax assessment) dated 26 January 2021 should be reviewed and set aside.
24 March 2023CSARS v Pearlstock (Pty) Ltd (A2/2021)

Customs and Excise Act, 1964

Excise duty: the classification or the interpretation of the TH of the goods, that is, of the PVC panels; whether the PVC Panels were “cellular” in ‘design and structure’ as contended by the respondent and as upheld by the court a quo, thus falling under TH 3921.12, or, whether the PVC used to produce the panels, although appearing to be externally ‘cellular in construction’, were not necessarily “cellular” as contended by the Commissioner, thus falling under TH 39.16; whether the evidence of Professor John, which the appellant (the Commissioner) relied on, was admissible.

13 March 2023CSARS v Grand Azania (Pty) Limited (33257/2021)

Companies Act, 1973

Tax Administration Act, 2011

Income Tax Act, 1962

Liquidation and Tax – Inability to pay debts: Whether the applicant made out a
case for the liquidation of the respondent

7 March 2023Henque 3935 CC t/a PQ Clothing Outlet (in Business Rescue) v CSARS (2020/35790)

Companies Act, 2008 

Income Tax Act, 1962

Tax Administration Act, 2011

Business rescue: Whether the Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (SARS) can set-off a tax liability of a company against the VAT refunds due to the company in
circumstances where the tax liability concerns a period prior to the company entering into business rescue, but was only determined after the company had already entered into business rescue

17 February 2023Siyandisa Trading (Pty) Ltd v CSARS (A201/2021)

Income Tax Act, 1962

Tax Administration Act, 2011

Tax Law and Evidence: Depreciation allowance, finance charges, understatement penalty 

31 January  2023Lance Dickson Construction CC v CSARS (A211/2021)

Tax Administration Act, 2011

Understatement penalty: Whether the Tax Court, having found that SARS had failed to establish that the taxpayer’s understatement of its taxable income resulted from a failure to take reasonable care completing its return, was nonetheless entitled to impose a 25% penalty, SARS having failed to plead a case for the imposition of a penalty on any ground other than the one it failed to prove.

16 January 2023CSARS v Khagiso Afrika Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others (49048/2021)

Tax Administration Act, 2011

Procedure: Whether or not the provisional order against some of the respondents should be made final.

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