Search Results for: customs/page/10/{{ data.uploadedToLink }}/page/10/{{ data.originalImageURL }}/page/10/{{ data.uploadedToLink }} – Page 9

Tax Statistics

The National Treasury and SARS jointly publish tax statistics annually. These aggregated statistics are compiled from SARS’s registers of taxpayers and from tax returns. These

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MAAs on Customs

The purpose of the agreements regarding mutual administrative assistance between two or more customs administrations is to – enable the administrations to exchange information provide

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What is it?  A Customs Inspector may, for the purposes of the Act, stop, detain and examine any goods while under Customs control in order

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Rebate User

No imported products or articles may be obtained by any registered manufacturer or producers under rebate unless registered with Customs as a rebate user.   

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SWP Contact

Customs Offices and Contacts All telephone calls to Customs offices are routed automatically to the SARS Contact Centre on 0800 00 7277. This process has

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