Branch Finder

We have SARS Branches in all the major regions. Click on the relevant region links above to see the physical address, services offered and more.

Business hours for Branches are weekdays 8:00 – 16:00 and Wednesdays 9:00 – 16:00. See the Contact Centre’s hours here.

Physical visits to branches

No physical visits to branches will be allowed without making a booking first.  The booking request will determine the nature of the interaction with SARS. We continue to service taxpayers through our virtual channels:

  • Electronic Channels (eFiling, Mobile App, Email)
  • Virtual Branch Channel (Video/Teleconference).

Bookings may be made via the Make an appointment system or the SARS MobiApp.

You will be contacted after the booking was requested to advise you of the next step.

What’s happening?

  • The Benoni branch is closing down permanently after 5 July 2024.

  • The temporary Alberton branch office in the Alberton City Mall would be closing at 12pm on Friday, 23 February 2024 and relocating to the Alberton campus for opening on Monday, 26 February 2024. The new physical address from 26 February will be SARS Alberton campus, St Austell street, 15 McKinnon Crescent, New Redruth Shopping Village, Alberton.

  • The SARS Uitenhage branch is permanently closed from 29 October 2022.  Staff will continue to service taxpayers on an appointment basis at the Corkwood Square Mall, shop 47 (relocated from shop 57), 42 Union avenue Uitenhage.  Click here to make an appointment.

  • The SARS Pavilion branch in Pretoria has been permanently closed from 4 August 2022, but staff continue to service clients. Tax practitioners are advised to book appointments via the usual channels if they need assistance from SARS (if they book via the SARS website: SARS Booking System, they should continue to choose the “Pavilion” option).

  • The SARS Pretoria North Branch closed permanently in July 2022. For assistance, kindly make an appointment at any of our other SARS branches via:

    • The SARS Contact Centre on 0800 00 7277
    • An SMS to 47277 (iSARS) with the word Booking (Space) ID number/Passport number/ Asylum Seeker number; or
    • The SARS website ( and click on the “Book an Appointment” icon.
  • The SARS Dube Branch in Soweto closed permanently on 30 April 2021. The Orlando East Branch in Soweto may still be visited and there are a number of alternative service platforms.

Table of Contents

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