Tariff Amendments

Tariff Amendments are published by Notice in the Government Gazette in terms of the Customs and Excise Act, 1964, and are added on the web around 15:00 on the Thursday preceding its publication on a Friday in the Gazette.

Technical tariff amendments

Applications for technical tariff amendments must be submitted by no later than 31 March of each year for such application to be considered for inclusion in the year-end amendment that will come into effect on 1 January of the following year in each SACU Member State. The insertion of 8-digit tariff subheadings for statistical purposes is published only once yearly.

An example of the expansion of the tariff subheadings is added below:

Product Description
Provide the existing tariff structure


Proposed tariff structure


Provide the proposed tariff description for the proposed 8-digit tariff subheading

6212.10.1: Incorporating a closure using either a hook and eyelet or other fastening devices

6212.10.11: Incorporating padded cups and cup underwire

6212.10.12: Not incorporating padded cups but incorporating cup underwire

6212.10.19: Other

6212.10.90: Other

Submissions should be sent to [email protected].

The request should be accompanied by a motivational letter outlining the reasons for the application. Motivation for the application should include, but is not limited to the following:

  • Financial impact of the applicant and/or industry in the SACU market.;
  • Contribution to job creation by the applicant and/or industry in the SACU market.
  • If it is a request for statistical purposes, elaboration on why statistical information of this nature cannot be obtained by any other means.
  • Indication whether the proposed request has a consequential effect on the current Schedules of the Common External Tariff.
  • Indication whether the request has an impact on trade remedies, rebates, refunds or drawbacks under investigation by the International Trade Administration Commission (ITAC) of South Africa. If so, indication if ITAC was consulted and include their response (ITAC email correspondences) in the application.

The following disclaimer will apply to non-confidential requests:

“Please note that the particulars given will form the basis of the application and could be made available to interested parties.”



  1. Technical amendments to insert 8-digit tariff subheadings for statistical purposes will not be implemented on the year that SACU Member States are implementing a new version of the Harmonised System to amend the 4-digit and 6-digit tariff headings on an international level as recommended by the World Customs Organisation.
  2. The requested 8-digit tariff subheadings will be reviewed continuously and if there is no usage / imports for a period of two years, the subheadings will be deleted from the tariff book.


Taxation proposals

The time of tabling will be indicated on the particular Budget Day on this part of the website with the release of the taxation proposals documents.



Tariff Notices are grouped per year of publication and can be accessed through the links on the navigation pane above. Notices published during 2001 and 2000 are being prepared and will be added in due course.

Table of Contents

Last Updated:
