RLA updates archive

For the Registration, Licensing and Accreditation webpage, click here. 

Archive of RLA updates

  • 5 June 2023 – Update on the RLA roadshows
    SARS is conducting roadshows in the regions to assist traders to onboard onto the electronic Registration, Licensing and Accreditation (RLA) eFiling system. Onboarding to the RLA system will lessen manual processing that would, at times, cause delays. The regional roadshows will provide traders the opportunity to have physical interactions with SARS’ Registration, Licensing and Accreditation officers, who will support traders to activate their eFiling profiles and navigate the RLA eFiling system by submitting an application themselves.

    Traders in Mpumalanga Province and Kwazulu-Natal province are now invited to visit the border posts on any day scheduled below:

Mahamba Border post
Date: 05 – 06  June 2023
Address: R543 Road, Mahamba road
Mahamba border post
Piet Retief

Golela Border post
Date: 08 – 09 June 2023
Address: Off N2 Route
Golela Border Post

  • 9 May 2023 – Update on the RLA roadshows
    SARS is conducting roadshows in the regions to assist traders to onboard onto the electronic Registration, Licensing and Accreditation (RLA) eFiling system. Onboarding to the RLA system will lessen manual processing that would, at times, cause delays. The regional roadshows will provide traders the opportunity to have physical interactions with SARS’ Registration, Licensing and Accreditation officers, who will support traders to activate their eFiling profiles and navigate the RLA eFiling system by submitting an application themselves.

    Traders in Mpumalanga province are now invited to visit the border posts on any day scheduled below:

    Date: 8 -9 May 2023
    Oshoek Border Post 

    Date: 11 – 12 May 2023
    Lebombo Border Post

  • 13 April 2023 – Update on the RLA roadshows
    SARS is conducting roadshows in the regions to assist traders to onboard onto the electronic Registration, Licensing and Accreditation (RLA) eFiling system. Onboarding to the RLA system will lessen manual processing that would, at times, cause delays. The regional roadshows will provide traders the opportunity to have physical interactions with SARS’ Registration, Licensing and Accreditation officers, who will support traders to activate their eFiling profiles and navigate the RLA eFiling system by submitting an application themselves.

    Traders in Limpopo province are now invited to visit the border posts on any day scheduled below.

  • 26 August 2022 – Updating of registration or licensing details of existing customs clients on RLA System
    It is a legislative requirement that all Customs and Excise registrants and licencees update their company or individual details, whichever the case may be, captured on the South African Revenue Service’s (SARS) Customs and Excise register. As you may be aware, SARS launched a new self-service automated system in 2020 to make it easier for stakeholders and intermediaries to register or license for Customs and Excise purposes. The Registration, Licensing and Accreditation (RLA) system has undergone various enhancements since its launch and SARS is now able to migrate all clients, previously registered or licensed on through the manual process, to the RLA system. This will ensure that the Customs and Excise register is electronic and that these client types have access to a fully automated self-service facility. For more information see our letter to Trade

  • 18 July 2022 – Onboarding of Cargo Reporters on Registration Licensing and Accreditation (RLA) system
    Cargo reporters have historically registered for cargo reporting purposes using the manual (DA8) process.

On 20 April 2020, SARS launched a secure online Customs Trader Portal (CTP) to submit registration and licensing applications to Customs through eFiling. Initially, due to anticipated volumes, the use of this channel was restricted to new applications only.

For more information, see our letter to Trade.

  • 18 July 2022 – Onboarding of traders to Registration Licensing and Accreditation (RLA) system
    As previously communicated, SARS’ Registration, Licensing and Accreditation (RLA) team have embarked on an on-boarding process to re-register and re-licence existing clients into a new Registration, Licensing and Accreditation (RLA) System. To migrate your existing client types into the new updated RLA system, SARS requires your participation in the on-boarding process.

For more information, see our letter to Trade.


Archived content from the RLA landing page:

For a full list of all client types who are able to submit new applications via eFiling using the RLA system, click here.

Client types that are not impacted will continue to submit their applications for registration/licensing/reporting according to the current process at Customs branches.

Existing Customs clients can therefore continue trading and will not be affected. Only new client type applications (for the RLA-enabled client types) will be processed on the new system until further notice.

The first category of existing clients who were able to migrate to the new system are Clearing Agents. This is to allow Clearing Agents to register relationships with their clients on the Relationship Management component on RLA. All other existing clients are being notified when they should migrate to the new system.

Steps for Registration and licensing

Before goods can be imported or exported, a number of steps need to take place. If you want to perform any Customs related activities, SARS may require that you register in terms of Section 59A and / or get a license in terms of Section 60.

The person who must or may apply for registration and licensing:

Any natural person, juristic person, Association, partnership, Executor of an estate, Trustee, Organ of the State, Institution including foreign principals not located in South Africa may register and / or license to perform any act / activity regulated by the Act, except person who import or export goods in terms of the provisions of Rule 15.01.

The Commissioner may impose conditions that relate to:

  • The protection of potential tax revenue on goods received, stored, handled, transported or in any way dealt with, managed or controlled by the licensee in terms of the licence;
  • The inspection of such goods by Customs Officers;
  • Assistance that the licensee must provide to Customs Officers to detained, seized or confiscated goods; or
  • Compliance by the licensee with this Act or a tax levying Act in relation to such goods.

The Commissioner may also require an applicant to furnish security at any time, see Bonds external policy.

For all the info you need in order to get registered, licenced and accredited, see the Quick Links:

RLA webinar & presentation

SARS hosted a webinar with the theme of the onboarding of all existing Customs clients including cargo reporters (RCG). If you have missed the webinar, see the recorded session here or see the presentation: RLA – Onboarding of Customs Clients.

Other application forms (e.g. DA 64G.01; SC-CF-05-A23) must be submitted or forwarded to:

  • Alberton Office
    Alberton City Mall
    Corner of Voortrekker and Du Plessis Road
    Shop S21 and S22
    Entrance number 10 on the first level

  • Pretoria CBD Office
    C/o Schoeman and Van Der Walt streets
    SARS Main building

Table of Contents

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