Rule Amendments

Rule Amendments are published by Notice in the Government Gazette in terms of the Customs and Excise Act, 1964.
These Notices are grouped per year of publication and can be accessed through the links on the navigation pane above.
The Customs & Excise Rules, 1995, as amended, as well as the Schedule to the Rules (excluding the Forms), are made available for ease of reference.
These documents must be read subject to the Rule Amendment Notices published in the Government Gazette.
Current Rules
Customs & Excise Rules, 1995 (as amended)Date of last amendments included
Customs & Excise Rules, 199530 August 2024
Schedule to the Rules
(excluding the Forms)
15 September 2023

Not yet in force Rules

Customs Duty Rules (Not yet in force)

“frozen” draft including Part on Deferment

Refer to the cover note*

Customs Control Rules (Not yet in force)

“frozen” draft including consequential amendments to Chapter 30

Refer to the cover note*

*Cover note for “frozen” draft Customs Duty and Cntrol Rules

Table of Contents

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