Contact SARS by email/online

You may email SARS on the following email addresses:

When you send an email to the above mailboxes, you will receive an automated reply with a case number assigned. For ease of use, this number will be quoted in related correspondence on the progress of the case.

The email size limit of 10MB must be adhered to. You will be informed by an automated response if your email exceeds the size limit and requested to resubmit. In order for us to promptly deal with your email, you will be requested adhere to the size limit.

Use our online channels:

We recommend that you use our Digital Service offerings available on SARS eFiling, SARS MobiApp and the SARS Online Query System, for a simpler and enhanced user experience. For example, to submit Supporting Documents, use the online feature on the SARS Online Query System.

For an overall view of all digital offerings, see the Contact Us landing page.

Top Tip:  It is important to include your tax or ID number when you email SARS or make use of the SARS Online Query System.




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