Income Tax Notices 2012

The Government Notices on this page have been issued in terms of the Income Tax Act, 1962, and have been arranged in the year they have been published.

The navigation pane above can be used to locate Income Tax Notices published during a specific year.

These Notices have been arranged in the order they were published in the particular years for record purposes and not with the latest publication on top as is the case under the publications for 2013 and 2014.


​Publication Date​GG and Notice Numbers​Description​Implementation Date
​24 February 2012

​GG 35044
Notice 119

​Determination of daily amount in respect of meals and incidental costs in terms of section 8(1)

​1 March 2012
​24 February 2012

​GG 35064
Notice 140

​Fixing of rate per kilometre in respect of motor vehicles in terms of section 8(1)

​1 March 2012
​29 February 2012

​GG 35090
Notice 173

​Notice to reporting institutions to furnish bi-annual returns of investment and interest with effect from the 2013 year of assessment

​1 March 2012
​30 March 2012

​GG 35209
Notice 271

​Notice issued in terms of paragraph 14(3)(a) of the Fourth Schedule prescribing the date by which an employer must render a return (EMP 501)

​30 March 2012
​4 April 2012

​GG 35228
Notice 289

​Notice to determine a date by which a person may elect to be registered as a micro business in terms of paragraph 8(1)(a) of the Sixth Schedule

​4 April 2012

​29 June 2012

​GG 35485
Notice 501

​Notice to furnish returns for the 2012 year of assessment

​29 June 2012
​13 July 2012

​GG 35516
Notice 538

​Notice in terms of section 10(1)(y) relating to grants received by or accrued to a person by virtue of the clothing and textile competitiveness program administered by the dti.

Note: These shall be exempt from normal tax with effect from 1 April 2009

​13 July 2012

Table of Contents

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