Income Tax Notices 2001

The Government Notices on this page have been issued in terms of the Income Tax Act, 1962, and have been arranged in the year they have been published.

The navigation pane above can be used to locate Income Tax Notices published during a specific year.

These Notices have been arranged in the order they were published in the particular years for record purposes and not with the latest publication on top as is the case under the publications for 2013 and 2014.

Publication DateGG and Notice NumbersDescriptionImplementation Date
27 July 2001
​GG 22513
Notice 696
Determination of public benefit activities for purposes of section 18A(1)(a)
 27 July 2001
​27 July 2001

​GG 22513
Notice 697

​Determination of activities to be activities set out in Schedule 1 to be of a philanthropic or benevolent nature for purposes of section 30(2)(a)

​27 July 2001
​2 October 2001

​GG 22723
Notice R.997*


​Recognition of stock exchange in terms of the definition of “recognised exchange” in paragraph 1 of the Eighth Schedule

* The “R” was inserted in front of the number – 3 March 2014

​2 October 2001
5 December 2001

​GG 22901
Notice 1301

​Appointment and re-appointment of Members of a Special Board for the hearing of income tax appeals in terms of section 83A(4)(a)

​5 December 2001

Table of Contents

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