Register for eFiling

What’s new?

22 November 2024 –Enhancements to the Two-Factor Authentication and eFiling Password criteria 

To safeguard taxpayers’ information and prevent malicious attacks on SARS data, SARS has initiated various initiatives to combat fraudulent activities. One such measure is the Two-Factor Authentication method, which adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to input two different authentication methods to login to eFiling.

The first layer of authentication requires users to enter their username and password. Once validated as correct, the second layer requires users to input a One-Time-Pin (OTP) sent to their preferred security contact details. Upon successful validation of the OTP, as correct, users are granted access to their eFiling profile.

The enhancements to the Two-Factor authentication method includes the following:

  • Enforcing Two-Factor authentication on all Individual profiles,
  • Confirming and updating of the security contact details.

The eFiling password requirements have also been enhanced. All new and changed passwords must meet the following criteria:

  • Contain a minimum of 8 characters
  • Include at least one uppercase, lowercase, numeric and special character
  • Exclude personal information (like name / surname / email address / username);
  • Exclude repetitive or sequential characters (like “aaaaa” or “12345” etc).

Furthermore, a password meter has been added to give eFilers a visual indication of the strength of the password.

For more information, see the updated Guides:

1 November 2024 – SARS is keeping your eFiling and tax information safe with biometrics

New eFiling registrations for Personal Income Tax may now require facial recognition. Biometric facial recognition authentication is being introduced for all individuals who register for eFiling using a valid South African ID.

This applies to the eFiling website, the SARS MobiApp and the SARS Self Service Kiosks:

  • The system will provide instructions e.g. required background setting, removal of head gear and glasses, facial position and distance from the camera, and online guidance to help users capture clear photos for the authentication.
  • Individuals utilising the eFiling website or SARS MobiApp to register will require a device with a camera e.g. a Desktop with a webcam or a laptop with a camera feature or a smartphone with a camera.
  • Individuals who do not have access to a device with a camera must book an appointment for a SARS official to assist with the eFiling registration.
  • The existing eFiling registration, authentication and manual verification process will still apply to non-South African citizens.

For more information, see the updated Guides:

How to register

As a registered taxpayer, you can register for SARS eFiling, which allows you to make payments to SARS or request a tax compliance certificate, in addition to providing access to a variety of other benefits and services via an electronic platform.

To register as an eFiler:

  • Visit the SARS eFiling website and click on REGISTER; or
  • Download the MobiApp and tap on REGISTER

Once you have registered, you can have different roles, for example:

  • Acting as yourself when administering your own individual taxes;
  • Acting as the registered representative or an employee for a company;
  • Acting as an agent on behalf of someone else:
    • Registered Tax Practitioners
    • Employees with delegated authority from a registered tax practitioner
    • Foreigner acting on behalf of a company or an individual.

SARS will recognise you as an electronic filer once your eFiling registration is complete. 

Upon registration, SARS will verify the information captured during the registration process. The outcome of this will be communicated on your eFiling registration verification page or via email. If your registration is successful, a One Time Pin (OTP) will be sent to your preferred channel of communication, to allow you to complete your registration.  Once you have successfully entered the OTP, the eFiling Login Screen will display.

If we are unable to finalise your eFiling registration immediately we may request additional information before we issue an OTP to you.

If supporting documents are required, please go to, under the eFiling banner click Login, enter your username and password you created on registration, click Home; User and then Pending Registration, for further requirements regarding the processing of your eFiling registration.

Once SARS has verified your details, you will be notified via email and SMS. The notification will include detailed instructions on how to complete your registration.

Top Tip:  Need help uploading supporting documents (relevant material)?    

Need help?

If you need help to register for eFiling, watch our helpful tutorial video.

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